Section CXIV - Battle of Bhima and Arjuna against Dhritarashtra's Army

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CXIV including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
In the battle, Bhima fought bravely against ten warriors of the Kaurava army, including Salya, Kripa, and Kritavarman, who all aimed to gain renown by fighting for Bhishma. Despite being targeted by multiple powerful foes, Bhima retaliated with strength and skill, piercing each opponent with his arrows. He even managed to dismount Jayadratha from his chariot and defeat him, showcasing his exceptional combat prowess. Bhima faced a barrage of attacks from the enemy warriors but remained steadfast and unfazed, continuing to fight with determination and courage.

As the battle raged on, Bhima exchanged blows with Salya, Kripa, Kritavarman, and other formidable opponents, inflicting significant damage on them with his arrows. His skill and valor were on full display as he took on each warrior in turn, withstanding their attacks and launching his own powerful strikes. Bhima's ferocity and prowess on the battlefield were unmatched, as he skillfully navigated the chaos of the fight and targeted his foes with precision. Despite being outnumbered and facing intense opposition, Bhima fought relentlessly, proving himself to be a formidable opponent to the Kaurava army.

The fierce combat intensified as Bhima clashed with Bhagadatta, the ruler of the Sindhus, and other prominent warriors, exchanging a flurry of arrows and weapons with his adversaries. Bhima's determination and strength were evident as he faced the relentless assault of the enemy forces, countering their attacks with equal force and skill. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, Bhima remained resolute and focused on defeating his foes, refusing to back down in the face of adversity. His unwavering commitment to the battle and his unwavering resolve to emerge victorious shone through as he continued to fight with unparalleled courage and determination.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, Bhima's indomitable spirit and prowess were evident as he single-handedly took on multiple powerful warriors, showcasing his exceptional combat skills and unwavering resolve. His strategic maneuvers and precise strikes allowed him to hold his ground against the formidable foes arrayed against him, standing as a beacon of strength and bravery amidst the tumult of war. Bhima's fearless demeanor and unwavering resolve inspired fear in his enemies and admiration in his allies, as he fought with unmatched courage and determination to overcome the challenges that lay before him. Despite the overwhelming odds against him, Bhima's fighting spirit and unyielding determination never wavered, as he continued to battle fiercely against the Kaurava army with unwavering determination.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CXIV - Battle of Bhima and Arjuna against Dhritarashtra's Army, have a look at the following articles:

Section CXIV, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CXIV:

How many arrows did Bhimasena pierce Salya with in the battle?

Bhimasena pierced Salya with seventy arrows and once more with ten.

How did Bhimasena defeat the ruler of the Sindhus in the battle?

Bhimasena deprived the ruler of the Sindhus of his car in the sight of the entire army.

Who urged Susarman to destroy both Arjuna and Bhimasena in battle?

King Duryodhana urged Susarman to defeat Arjuna and Bhimasena in battle.

Daily life: Battle of Bhima and Arjuna against Dhritarashtra's Army:

The story from the epic, encapsulating a dynamic battle, holds deeper lessons that can be adapted into daily life. One primary takeaway is the importance of resilience and perseverance. Just as Bhima, despite being outnumbered and faced with many adversaries, stands undeterred and continues to fight valiantly, we too can encounter challenges that seem insurmountable. However, by persisting and facing these obstacles head-on, without yielding to the pressure, we can push through tough times.

Furthermore, it exemplifies the power of teamwork and support. Bhima, in his plight, is joined by Arjuna, showing that in times of need, the support of others can be invaluable. This teaches us to not only seek help when needed but to also be there for others, contributing to a sense of community and shared goals. It's about complementing each other's strengths and working towards a common objective.

Lastly, the story underlines the necessity of stratagem and adaptability; as different warriors employed various tactics against Bhima, and he, in turn, used his skill to counter them. This mirrors the idea that in life, being adaptable and strategic in our approach can enable us to overcome difficulties more efficiently. By foreseeing potential challenges and preparing adequately, we can navigate through life more smoothly, embodying the strength and courage demonstrated by Bhima and his allies.

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