Section CXCVIII - Kurukshetra War: Duryodhana's Army Prepares for Battle

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CXCVIII including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
The kings, led by Duryodhana, set out against the Pandavas after purifying themselves and seeking blessings from Brahmanas. They were skilled in battle, brave, and united in their desire to win the highest regions. Divided into three divisions, they were well-equipped with troops and provisions, creating a camp that resembled Hastinapura. Duryodhana ensured that all his allies were well taken care of, including infantry, elephants, horses, and other supporters. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the armies prepared for the impending battle on the fields of Kurukshetra.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CXCVIII - Kurukshetra War: Duryodhana's Army Prepares for Battle, have a look at the following articles:

Section CXCVIII, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CXCVIII:

What preparations did the kings make before marching against the Pandavas?

They purified themselves, bathed, wore white robes, and raised their standards. They were skilled in battle and leaders in Vedic knowledge.

How did Duryodhana decorate the encampment for the kings in his army?

He made it resemble a second Hastinapura, with pavilions and provisions. The tents covered a vast area for accommodation and rest for the troops.

Daily life: Kurukshetra War: Duryodhana's Army Prepares for Battle:

The story from the Mahabharata highlights the importance of preparation, teamwork, and leadership. In daily life, just like the kings and warriors prepared for battle with rituals, strategy, and unity, we too should approach our challenges with thorough planning and a clear mind. Working together towards a common goal, respecting and supporting each other's strengths, can lead to achieving great outcomes, much like the allies in the story.

Leadership is crucial, as seen through Duryodhana's efforts in organizing and provisioning his army, showing that taking care of those we lead by ensuring they have what they need is key to success. This narrative teaches us the value of dedication, organization, and the power of collective effort. By applying these principles, whether in our professional lives, personal projects, or within our communities, we can overcome obstacles and strive towards our ambitions with confidence and unity.

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