Section CLXXIX - Bhagavad Gita: Rama Resolves to Punish Bhishma

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CLXXIX including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
Amva, the granddaughter of sage Hotravahana, seeks the protection of Rama, the descendant of Bhrigu, due to the distress caused by Bhishma's abduction and subsequent rejection by the ruler of Saubha. Rama promises to help her and offers to address Bhishma regarding her grievance. Amva reveals that Bhishma forcibly took her away, causing her to lose the opportunity to marry the ruler of the Salvas. She expresses her desire for Bhishma to be punished for his actions and asks Rama to slay him in battle to fulfill her wish.

Rama, compassionate towards Amva's plight, decides to confront Bhishma and demand a resolution to her situation. He offers to either persuade Bhishma to marry Amva or defeat him in battle to bring justice to her. Amva, filled with grief and longing for revenge, supports Rama's decision to take action against Bhishma for causing her suffering. She believes that Bhishma's pride and covetous nature make him deserving of punishment for his role in her predicament.

As Rama contemplates the best course of action, Amva discloses her true feelings toward Bhishma's actions and expresses her desire for him to pay the consequences for his misconduct. She emphasizes that Bhishma's actions led to her rejection by the ruler of the Salvas and caused immense sorrow, prompting her to seek retribution through Rama's intervention. Rama acknowledges Amva's pain and pledges to address the matter with Bhishma, ensuring that justice is served and Amva's grievances are redressed.

Upon hearing Amva's account and witnessing her distress, Rama vows to either compel Bhishma to rectify the situation or engage him in battle if necessary. He assures Amva that he will take the appropriate steps to resolve her grievances and deliver justice for the wrongs committed against her. Rama's commitment to upholding righteousness and protecting the innocent drives his actions as he prepares to confront Bhishma and ensure that Amva's suffering is alleviated.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CLXXIX - Bhagavad Gita: Rama Resolves to Punish Bhishma, have a look at the following articles:

Section CLXXIX, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CLXXIX:

Was Amva abducted by Bhishma against her will?

Amva was abducted by Bhishma, causing her distress as her heart belonged to Salva.

What did Amva desire from Rama?

Amva sought Rama's protection and wished for Bhishma to be slain in battle.

Why did Amva want vengeance on Bhishma?

Amva held a grudge against Bhishma for causing her misery and wanted him punished.

Daily life: Bhagavad Gita: Rama Resolves to Punish Bhishma:

In the story, Amva faces a conflict that leads her to seek justice and resolution for her grievances, highlighting the importance of voicing one’s troubles and seeking assistance from those who are capable of providing support. This can be applied in our daily lives by acknowledging that it's okay to ask for help when faced with challenges or injustices. Seeking guidance from experienced individuals or authority figures can provide us with perspectives and solutions we might not have considered.

The narrative also underscores the significance of justice and taking corrective actions against wrongs. However, it emphasizes doing so in a manner that is reasoned and moral. In our lives, when we encounter situations where we or others have been wronged, it's crucial to approach resolution in a fair and ethical way, prioritizing communication and understanding over retaliation.

Moreover, Amva's persistence in her pursuit of justice teaches us the value of resilience and determination. It shows that standing firm in our convictions, even when faced with adversity, can lead to meaningful change. However, it’s also important to reflect on our actions and desires to ensure they are just and not driven by vengeance.

Lastly, the story illustrates the importance of understanding and compassion in resolving conflicts. Rama's consideration of Amva's plea before taking action shows that thoughtful deliberation is essential in making decisions, especially those affecting others' lives. Therefore, in our interactions and decisions, we should strive to be empathetic, fair, and thoughtful, ensuring our actions contribute positively to the situation and to the well-being of all involved.

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