The Bundahishn

Knowledge from the Zand

1897 | 25,140 words

A collection of texts related to Zoroastrian cosmogony and cosmology. The contents focuses on the Zoroastrianism's creation myth, and the first battles of 'Ahura Mazda' and 'Angra Mainyu'. Most of the chapters of the compendium date to the 8th and 9th centuries. The Bundahishn ("Creation"), or Knowledge from the Zand. Translated by E. W...

Chapter XXII - The nature of lakes

On the nature of lakes it says in revelation, that thus many fountains of waters have come into notice, which they call lakes (var); counterparts of the eyes (chashm) of men are those fountains (chashmak) of waters;

such as

  • Lake Chechast,
  • Lake Sovbar,
  • Lake Khvarizhem,
  • Lake Frazdan,
  • Lake Zarinmand,
  • Lake Asvast,
  • Lake Husru,
  • Lake Sataves,
  • Lake Urvis.

I will mention them also a second time:

Lake Chechast is in Ataro-patakan, warm is the water and opposed to harm, so that nothing whatever is living in it, and its source is connected with the wide-formed ocean.
Lake Sovbar is in the upper district and country on the summit of the mountain of Tus; as it says, that the Sud-bahar ('share of benefit') is propitious and good from which abounding liberality is produced.
Regarding Lake Khvarizhem it says that excellent benefit is produced from it, that is, Arshishang the rich in wealth, the well-portioned with abounding pleasure.
Lake Frazdan is in Sagastan; they say, where a generous man, who is righteous, throws anything into it, it receives it; when not righteous, it throws it out again; its source also is connected with the wide-formed ocean.
Lake Zarinmand is in Hamadan.
Regarding Lake Asvast it is declared that the undefiled water which it contains is always constantly flowing into the sea, so bright and copious that one might say that the sun had come into it and looked at Lake Asvast, into that water which is requisite for restoring the dead in the renovation of the universe.
Lake Husru is within fifty leagues (parasang) of Lake Chechast.
Lake (or, rather, Gulf) Sataves is that already written about, between the wide-formed ocean and the Putik. It is said that in Kamindan is an abyss (zafar), from which everything they throw in always comes back, and it will not receive it unless alive (janvar); when they throw a living creature into it, it carries it down; men say that a fountain from hell is in it.
Lake Urvis is on Hugar the lofty.

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