Basil Essential Oil

Topic: Ayurveda

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Aroma therapy has its roots in the most ancient healing practices of human kind. The plants from which we now derive essential oils are natural organic substances. They are like milk in a mother’s breast in the plant.
Essential oil had been used for thousand of years before the technique of distilling oil was discovered the people in earlier times probably discovered by chance that some of the leaves barriers and roots they gathered for food made sick people feel better or that their juices bushes or trees were thrown on the fire as may have made people droway or happy or excited or may be even given rise to mystical experience.
When we use essential oil it penetrate the epithelial tissues include the skin nasal, passages lungs and gestro intestinal tract. Once absorbed Essential oil quickly penetrate into the lymphatic and blood capillaries systems and enter into general circulation. When we smell essential oil the vapor stimulates small hair like extensions of our olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve stimulates the most primitive part of the brain.Antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cephalic (head related) digestive emmenagogue expectorant restorative tonic.It is effective to treat depression and confusion as well as feeling of resentment and tonic to nervous systems.Bath (low dosage ) essence sensitive skin oil, low dosage.Use in Moderation might irritate sensitive skin avoid during pregnancy.
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