Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics

by Saranya P.S | 2019 | 51,616 words | ISBN-10: 8190396315 | ISBN-13: 9788190396318

An English study the Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics.—The present thesis is based entirely on Ramayana and Mahabharata although an attempt is made to analytically compare the Animal kingdom with Mriga-pakshi-shastra—‘The ancient Indian science of of Animals and Birds’....

Chapter 4.10 - The Dog (Shvana) in the Epics

References to the dog can be seen only in a couple of places in the Ramayana.[1]

Dogs are of six different varieties.[2] The first variety is called Shvana itself. They are tall and red in colour. They live in villages. They are calm. They eat all kinds of things. At times they fight with one another. Their rear portions and stomachs are very stout. They have long tails, but their ears are small and sharp. They have curved tails. They are good to look at when they are young. They are grateful creatures.

The second variety is known Kukkura. They are black in colour and have long tails. They are very impatient, but not strong. Their bark is quite unpleasant. They are fond of fighting with one another. Their sleep is short and they walk swiftly. They have huge heads and they smell foul. They have protruding tongues and have strong memory. They are faithful.

The 3rd variety is Shunaka. They are short in size. Some have uniform colours but some have mixed colours. They have short legs but big heads. They are fast runners. They are very clever and shrewd. They can withstand hunger and thirst for quite long periods. When impatient they bark very unpleasantly. They have curved tails.

The 4th variety is Mrigadamshaka or Hounds. They are strong and tall. Some are brown and some are black and they have short tails. They are fond of catching animals like goats, deer, cows, bulls and other animals. They like to eat their flesh and drink their blood. Their bark is very unpleasant. They have rough and thick hair all over their body. They are not easily controllable. They are cruel and terrible to look at with their long jaws.

The 5thvariey is called Sarameyea. They are calm and quiet by nature. They are usually tall. They are of different colours with spots on their bodies. They are grateful to their masters. They like hunting. They run swiftly. They are strong and have long tails. They like to live in villages. When they are young, they are beautiful and do all kinds of antics.

The 6th variety is called Gramyamriga. They are very short. Many of them are brown in colour but some are of mixed colours. They are fond of fighting with one another. They like to wander and they are dull natured. They are fond of fighting with pigs and asses. They eat flesh, chew bones and drink blood. They have ugly bodies and very unpleasant barks. They are harmful to small animals

Footnotes and references:


Valmiki Ramayana 2.70.20, 7. PrakshiptaSarga. 1


Mrigapakshishastra [mriga-pakshi-shastra] .I.21.941b, 946, 950,953b, 957b, 962

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