Section CXVII - Fierce Battle: Arjuna vs. Bhishma, Sanjaya's Account

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CXVII including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
The battle described by Sanjaya was fierce and intense, with various warriors displaying their prowess on the battlefield. Abhimanyu fought bravely against Duryodhana and was eventually supported by Arjuna's son, who hurled a powerful dart at Duryodhana. Satyaki, Sahadeva, and other warriors also engaged in fierce combat with their opponents, exchanging arrow shots and sword strikes. The battle between Drona and the son of Prishata was particularly notable, as they fought fiercely with arrows and ultimately engaged in close combat with swords.

Bhimasena stood out on the battlefield, slaying elephants with ease and looking resplendent like Sakra armed with thunder. Yudhishthira, Virata, and other warriors engaged in their respective battles, each displaying great skill and valor. Arjuna faced off against Bhagadatta, while Sikhandin led the charge against Bhishma, supported by Arjuna. Bhishma was described as a formidable force on the battlefield, scattering the enemy forces with his fiery attacks and causing chaos among their ranks.

The battle intensified as Bhishma unleashed his full fury, consuming Kshatriyas with his celestial weapons and causing widespread destruction. He slew many warriors and deprived numerous enemies of their vehicles and steeds, leaving chaos and death in his wake. Despite the valiant efforts of the Somakas and other warriors, Bhishma's power and skill were unmatched on the battlefield. The sound of his bow reverberated across the field, striking fear into the hearts of the enemy troops.

The Somakas faced overwhelming odds as Bhishma's onslaught continued unabated, claiming the lives of countless brave warriors. The Chedis, Kasis, and Karushas sent thousands of warriors to challenge Bhishma, but none returned alive from the encounter. The battlefield was a scene of devastation, with bodies littering the ground and the air filled with the sounds of battle. Only Arjuna and a few select warriors dared to face Bhishma head-on, their determination and courage shining brightly amidst the chaos.

The battle raged on, with Bhishma's dominance on the battlefield remaining unchallenged. Despite the valiant efforts of the Pandava warriors, it was clear that Bhishma was a formidable opponent who seemed almost unbeatable. The warriors continued to fight bravely, each contributing to the ongoing struggle for victory. As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the true extent of the sacrifices made on both sides became apparent, with heroes and warriors alike falling in the name of honor and duty.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CXVII - Fierce Battle: Arjuna vs. Bhishma, Sanjaya's Account, have a look at the following articles:

Section CXVII, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CXVII:

What was the outcome of the battle between Abhimanyu and Duryodhana?

Abhimanyu fought bravely against Duryodhana, but ultimately Duryodhana struck him with arrows.

How did Paurava and Dhrishtaketu's battle unfold?

They fought fiercely with arrows, destroyed each other's bows, and finally fell in battle.

What was the fate of Bhishma in the battle?

Bhishma displayed incredible prowess, scattering Arjuna's forces before eventually being defeated by Arjuna.

How did the battle between Arjuna and Bhagadatta unfold?

Arjuna pierced Bhagadatta's elephant with many arrows, leading to a fierce battle.

Daily life: Fierce Battle: Arjuna vs. Bhishma, Sanjaya's Account:

The vivid accounts of battles and individual duels described in the story offer valuable life lessons that can be applied in our daily lives. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the importance of determination, skill, and resilience in facing challenges. Just as the warriors in the story faced their opponents with unwavering determination and strategically used their skills, we too must tackle life's obstacles with a clear mind and a strong will. Whether it's dealing with personal issues, professional challenges, or unexpected hurdles, the essence of not giving up and finding innovative solutions can be inspired by the resilience shown by characters like Arjuna and Bhishma.

Furthermore, the story highlights the significance of support and teamwork. As seen through the cooperation between Arjuna and Krishna, achieving goals often requires the collective effort of a team or the backing of a solid support system. This teaches us the value of seeking assistance, offering help when needed, and operating in harmony with others to overcome challenges.

Lastly, the narrative subtly reminds us of the impermanence of life and the futility of conflicts. Just as the mighty warriors eventually fall, it teaches us to focus on what truly matters, fostering positivity and dispensing with trivial disputes. In essence, by exhibiting courage, harnessing our unique skills, working collaboratively, and maintaining perspective on life's transient nature, we can navigate through life's battles more effectively.

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