Section CLXXXV - Battle Between Bhishma and Rama of Bhrigu's Race

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CLXXXV including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
Bhishma narrates the intense battle between himself and Rama of Bhrigu's race, where they fought fiercely for multiple days. Rama's powerful arrows caused Bhishma's charioteer to fall in a swoon, leading to his death, and Bhishma himself was pierced by Rama's deadly shafts. Despite the loss of his charioteer, Bhishma continued to fight bravely, supported by eight radiant Brahmanas who uplifted him while he was wounded and lying on the ground.

Bhishma's mother, the river Ganga, appeared on his chariot to protect and support him during the battle, giving him the strength to rise again and continue the fight. The sight of Rama falling to Bhishma's powerful arrow caused ominous signs in the environment, like meteors falling, the sun being enveloped by Rahu, and the earth trembling. Rama, momentarily losing consciousness, recovered with anger and prepared to resume the battle with Bhishma, both warriors undeterred by the alarming omens surrounding them.

The battle between Bhishma and Rama intensified, with both warriors displaying great strength and skill in combat, as recounted by the amazed Rishis witnessing the fierce confrontation. Bhishma launched a fiery arrow at Rama, who skillfully defended against it, leading to a temporary stalemate in the fight. As the sun set and night fell, the warriors temporarily ceased their battle, only to resume with renewed vigor when the sun rose on the following day for another intense round of combat lasting for twenty-three days in total.

Throughout the prolonged battle, Bhishma and Rama displayed extraordinary courage, resilience, and martial prowess, engaging in a relentless duel with each other, each determined to emerge victorious. The conflict between these two mighty warriors was marked by intense exchanges of deadly arrows, power struggles, and moments of divine intervention, as the battle raged on for days on the battlefield. Despite the ominous signs and challenges they faced, both Bhishma and Rama remained fiercely dedicated to the fight, showcasing their unwavering resolve and valor in the face of adversity and unyielding determination to emerge triumphant in the epic clash.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CLXXXV - Battle Between Bhishma and Rama of Bhrigu's Race, have a look at the following articles:

Section CLXXXV, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CLXXXV:

What were the omens seen when Rama fell unconscious during the battle?

When Rama fell, meteors fell, the earth trembled, vultures alighted, and thunder was heard. Drums produced harsh sounds and jackals yelled.

Who came to support Bhishma on the battlefield after his charioteer's death?

Eight Brahmanas with sun-like effulgence supported Bhishma on the battlefield, providing comfort and sprinkling him with water to revive him.

How long did the fierce battle between Bhishma and Rama last?

The intense combat between Bhishma and Rama lasted for three and twenty days.

Daily life: Battle Between Bhishma and Rama of Bhrigu's Race:

The story of Bhishma’s intense battle and the interventions he faces, including the loss of his charioteer and the support from divine entities, offers profound life lessons on resilience, support systems, and the inevitability of challenges. In daily life, we can draw inspiration from Bhishma’s resilience, recognizing that challenges and losses are inevitable parts of our journeys. Like Bhishma, when faced with adversity, allowing ourselves to experience grief and fear is natural, but what defines us is our ability to rise again with determination.

The intervention of divine entities, like the river goddess Ganga and the Brahmanas for Bhishma, symbolizes the unseen support we often receive during tough times. It may come through family, friends, or even strangers, reminding us to be open to help and to recognize the strength it provides. Moreover, Bhishma’s unwavering commitment to the battle, despite the odds, teaches us the importance of perseverance.

Finally, the repetitive nature of the battle, with each day bringing its own challenges, mirrors our daily struggles and the importance of facing each day with renewed vigor. By embracing the support around us, persisting through difficulties, and acknowledging our vulnerabilities, we can navigate life’s battles with courage and grace, always prepared to rise again after a fall.

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