Section CLXXXII - Battle between Bhishma and Rama: The Epic Encounter

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CLXXXII including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
Bhishma and Rama engaged in a fierce battle on the field, with Rama showing his prowess by showering Bhishma with arrows. Bhishma, realizing the power of Rama, approached him on foot and sought his blessings before resuming the battle. Rama, impressed by Bhishma's humility, advised him to fight with patience and courage. The battle continued for many days with both warriors trying to defeat each other, but Rama was the first to strike Bhishma with a shower of arrows.

Bhishma, undeterred by Rama's attack, continued to fight with determination, cutting off one of the horns of Rama's bow and causing it to fall to the ground. He then showered Rama's chariot with a hundred arrows, causing Rama to appear bloodied but determined. Rama, filled with wrath, retaliated with arrows of tremendous impetus, piercing Bhishma's vitals and causing him to tremble. Despite the intense battle, Bhishma stopped attacking out of pity and regret for afflicting his preceptor.

Overwhelmed with grief for his actions in the battle, Bhishma expressed remorse for following Kshatriya practices and causing harm to a Brahmana like Rama. He realized the sin he had committed and lamented the consequences of his actions. The battle came to a halt as the sun set, signaling the end of the day's fighting between the two warriors. Bhishma's conflicting emotions of pride in his skills as a warrior and remorse for harming his preceptor reflected the complexities of his character.

The encounter between Bhishma and Rama highlighted the clash of duties and responsibilities in their roles as warriors and Brahmanas. Bhishma's internal struggle between his duty as a Kshatriya and his respect for Rama's Brahmanahood showcased the ethical dilemmas faced in times of conflict. Rama's display of power and skill in battle, combined with his wisdom and restraint, served as a formidable opponent to Bhishma. The battle tested both warriors' strength, resolve, and moral compasses, ultimately leading to a moment of reflection and introspection for Bhishma.

The narrative of Bhishma and Rama's battle underscored the themes of honor, duty, and moral complexity in the epic Mahabharata. Bhishma's internal conflict between his loyalty to his lineage and his respect for Rama's spiritual authority revealed the complexities of human nature and ethical decision-making. The encounter between the two warriors served as a catalyst for introspection, growth, and the questioning of traditional beliefs and practices. Their battle symbolized the eternal struggle between conflicting duties and the quest for righteousness in the face of adversity.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CLXXXII - Battle between Bhishma and Rama: The Epic Encounter, have a look at the following articles:

Section CLXXXII, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CLXXXII:

Is fighting a preceptor considered virtuous in the story of Bhishma and Rama?

In the story, Bhishma engages in battle with his preceptor Rama despite reluctance. However, he ultimately regrets harming him and questions the morality of his actions.

How does Bhishma show respect towards his preceptor, Rama, in the battle?

Bhishma approaches Rama with reverence, seeks his blessings, and acknowledges his superiority. Despite fighting, he shows deep admiration and regrets causing him harm.

What consequences does Bhishma face after the battle with Rama?

Bhishma experiences regret and guilt for fighting his preceptor, a Brahmana. He questions the ethics of Kshatriya practices and learns a valuable lesson about respecting one's superiors.

Daily life: Battle between Bhishma and Rama: The Epic Encounter:

From this captivating tale of battle and respect, we can draw valuable lessons for our daily lives. The story underlines the importance of honor and humility, especially when dealing with those we perceive as rivals or adversaries. Bhishma, despite his prowess and position, shows deference to his opponent, recognizing Rama's higher stature in terms of virtue and righteousness. This teaches us the significance of acknowledging others' strengths and virtues, even in competitive scenarios, promoting respect and understanding over animosity.

Moreover, the narrative highlights the virtue of self-restraint and the ability to hold back one's aggression, even in the heat of conflict. Bhishma ceases his attack upon realizing the extent of his actions towards his revered teacher, showcasing the deep-rooted respect for his mentor. This mirrors the value of pausing and reflecting on our actions and their impact on others, encouraging us to act with compassion and empathy, even towards those we disagree with.

Lastly, the story brings to the forefront the idea of fighting our battles with dignity, adhering to the principles of fairness and honor. It propels us to face our challenges with integrity, ensuring we do not compromise our values for the sake of victory. Through the narrative, we are reminded to engage in our daily struggles with a sense of honor and to treat adversaries with respect, fostering an environment of mutual respect and dignity.

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