Section CLXII - Uluka's Warning to Yudhishthira: Fight without Bragging

| Posted in: Hinduism Itihasa

Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CLXII including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
Uluka, a messenger sent by Duryodhana, arrives at the Pandava camp and conveys a message to Yudhishthira, urging him to remember his exile and the persecution of Krishna before engaging in battle. Uluka warns the Pandavas of the strength and unity of the Kaurava army, questioning their ability to defeat formidable warriors like Drona, Bhishma, and Karna. He taunts Arjuna, questioning his prowess and reminding him of past humiliations, while boasting about Duryodhana's power and confidence in victory.

Yudhishthira listens to Uluka's words without anger, acknowledging the challenges and strength of the Kaurava army. He remains calm in the face of taunts and threats, showing restraint and wisdom in his response. Yudhishthira reassures Uluka that they are ready for battle, with Krishna by their side, and urges them to fight without boasting and rely on their actions to achieve success.

Uluka continues to provoke Arjuna, questioning his ability to win the kingdom and mocking his past struggles and moments of weakness. He belittles Arjuna's accomplishments and allies, insisting that their victory is impossible and that he will continue to rule. Uluka emphasizes the unity and power of the Kaurava army, instilling fear and doubt in the Pandava camp.

Despite Uluka's taunts and threats, the Pandavas remain resolute and prepared for battle. Yudhishthira and Arjuna maintain their composure and determination, relying on their skills and allies to overcome the challenges ahead. They are unfazed by Uluka's words and remain focused on their goal of reclaiming their kingdom and defeating the Kauravas in the upcoming battle.

Overall, the exchange between Uluka and the Pandavas highlights the tension and anticipation leading up to the epic battle of Kurukshetra. It underscores the importance of resolve, strategy, and unity in the face of adversity, as the two sides prepare to clash in a war that will shape the destiny of the kingdom. The confrontation sets the stage for the impending conflict, with both sides ready to prove their strength and determination on the battlefield.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CLXII - Uluka's Warning to Yudhishthira: Fight without Bragging, have a look at the following articles:

Section CLXII, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CLXII:

Could Yudhishthira have avoided the war by accepting Duryodhana's terms?

Yudhishthira's refusal to back down was a matter of honor and justice, not just power.

How did Uluka try to intimidate the Pandavas into submission?

Uluka used fear tactics, boasting about Duryodhana's powerful allies and military force.

Was Arjuna swayed by Uluka's taunts and threats?

Arjuna remained steadfast and determined to fight for justice with Krishna by his side.

Daily life: Uluka's Warning to Yudhishthira: Fight without Bragging:

The tale of Uluka delivering Duryodhana's message to the Pandavas before the great battle in the Mahabharata emphasizes the significance of courage, resilience, and the ability to face adversities without fear. In daily life, these lessons remind us to approach challenges head-on, recognizing that obstacles and criticism are inevitable, but how we respond to them defines our character and eventual success. The story also highlights the importance of not getting overly discouraged by past failures or letting them dictate our future actions. Just like the Pandavas, who faced humiliation and adversity, we too must focus on the future and work tirelessly toward our goals despite past setbacks.

Moreover, the narrative underscores the role of faith and allies in overcoming difficulties. Just as the Pandavas had Krishna by their side, having a support system and believing in a higher power can provide the strength needed to navigate life's battles. It also teaches us that actions speak louder than words; boasting or relying solely on lineage and past achievements does not guarantee success. Instead, persistent effort, strategic planning, and the humility to learn and improve play a crucial role in achieving one's aims. In essence, the story inspires us to face life's challenges with dignity, resilience, and the courage to keep striving for our goals, no matter the odds.

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