Guide to Tipitaka

Canonical Pâli Buddhist Literature of the Theravâda School

by U Ko Lay | 48,543 words

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Part VI - Yamaka Pali

The Dhammasangani, the Vibhanga and the Dhatukatha examine the Dharnma and their classifications as they exist in the world of reality, named Sankharaloka. PuggalapaMatti and Kathavatthu deal with beings and individuals which also exist in their own world of apparent reality, known as Sattaloka Where the dhamma of Sankharaloka and beings of the Sattaloka co-exist is termed the Okasaloka. Yamaka sets out to define and analyse the interrelationship of dhammas and puggalas as they exist in these three worlds

This is accomplished in the form of pairs of questions, which gives it the title of Yamaka The logical process of conversion (anulomd) and complete inversion (patiloma) is applied to determine the complete import and limit of a term m its relationship with the others. An equivocal nature of a term (samsayd) is avoided by showing, through such arrangement of questions, how other meanings of the term do not fit for a particular consideration.

The following pairs of questions may be taken as an example

To the question 'May all rupa be called Rupakkhandha?' the answer is 'Rfipa is also used in such expressions as piya rupa (loveable nature), eva rupa (of such nature), but there it does not mean Rupakkhandha"

But to the question 'May all Rupakkhandha be called rupa? the answer is *yes', because Rupakkhandha is a very wide term and includes such terms as piya rupa, eva rupa etc

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