
by Nina van Gorkom | 1999 | 122,172 words

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Appendix 9 - The Stages Of Insight

Three stages of "tender insight" (taruna vipassana):

  1. Defining of Nama and Rupa (nama-rupa-pariccheda nana)
  2. Discerning the Conditions of Nama and Rupa (paccaya patiggaha nana)
  3. Investigation Knowledge or Comprehension by Groups (sammasana nana)

Eight Stages of Principal Insight (Maha-Vipassana Nana):

  1. Knowledge of the Arising and Falling Away of Nama and Rupa (udayabbhaya Nana)
  2. Knowledge of Dissolution (bhanga nana) 
  3. Knowledge of Terror (bhaya nana)
  4. Knowledge of Danger (adinava nana)
  5. Knowledge of Dispassion (nibbida nana)
  6. Knowledge of Desire for Deliverance (muccitukamyata nana)
  7. Knowledge of Reflection (patisankha nana)
  8. Knowledge of Equanimity about Sankhara Dhammas (sankharupekkha nana)

?Adaptation Knowledge (anuloma nana)?

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